Terms & Condition - Japan 2025

Refund Policy

  • If you purchase a ticket and can no longer attend the trip for any reason, you can request a refund however this will not be processed until you find a suitable replacement to take your place (We will assist in finding a replacement, however we make no guarantees). Once the replacement been approved by the committee and has paid the full fare, you will receive a refund equal to the amount paid by you, minus the non-refundable $600 deposit. This can only be done up until 31st October 2024, Refunds CANNOT and WILL NOT be processed for ANY reason after this date.


  • This payment is a deposit only:

    • All further payments will be may via bank transfer to the following account.

      • BSB: 650-000

      • ACC: 500314700

      • Description: For the description/reference please put your first name and surname initial followed by JP and the deposit number. For example John Smith making their second deposit would put “JohnS-JP-2”.

  • You agree to be contacted by email and SMS for reminders of these upcoming payments.

  • Payment due dates:

o   2nd Payment Due September 20th 2024

o   3rd Payment Due October 18th 2024

o   4th Payment Due November 15th 2024

  • You agree to pay the next installments of the trip fare on time, at risk of losing your spot on the trip. Unless you have organised an amended payment plan with the club, Failure to pay by the communicated date will result in the cancellation of Your ticket and forfeiture of any money already paid.


  • If you have purchased travel insurance through the club this will only be issued once the full trip fare has been paid. It is Your responsibility to review the coverage provided and assess if it is the appropriate level of coverage suitable to Your personal circumstances.

  • If You do not elect to arrange insurance, You do so at Your own risk.

NUSS Code of Conduct 2024

  • All attendees of this trip are required to adhere to the University of Newcastle and NUsport Code of conduct and Sexual Assault/sexual harassment Policy. Any breaches will be reported to the university and may result in further disciplinary action.

  • All attendees are also required to abide by all rules of our suppliers including but not limited to: Accommodation, Transport, Resorts.

  • Local Law: All trip participants are required at all times to abide by any law applicable. No tolerance will be given for those who break laws. Those found to be in breach of any law will be immediately reported to the authorities and will be immediately removed from the trip. The issue will also be reported to the university and further disciplinary action may be taken.

  • Drugs/illegal Materials: The trip has an absolutely ZERO tolerance policy for drugs or illegal materials. Any trip attendee found in the possession of illegal materials will be reported to the relevant authorities and will be immediately removed from the trip. Any suspected activity in this form will be dealt with severely and be reported to the university, further disciplinary action may be taken.

  • Anti-Social Behaviours: Any anti-social behaviours including but not limited to, Discrimination, Hazing, sexual assault, unwanted sexual advances or statements, aggression and bullying is not tolerated. Action deemed to be against university policy will be dealt with severely and if required law enforcement will be contacted. 

  • If any disciplinary action is taken, NO REFUNDS will be given in any circumstance.

Safety & Liability

  • By purchasing a ticket for this trip You acknowledge that You are fit to and it is Your choice to participate in the Trip. You understand and assume any and all risks associated with Trip activities (including Snow sports) which may lead to loss, injury, disability or even death.

  • Helmets are mandatory for all trip participants, NO EXCEPTIONS. 

  • This trip is not for beginners or first-timers.   

  • All participants must wear a helmet at all times and regardless of ability, wrist guards are also recommended (But not required).

  • The club and executives accept no responsibility for the consequences of participants who refused the recommended measures.


  • There are opportunities to express room preferences, and while all attempts will be made to accommodate every request, the final room allocations will be determined by the executive team.

  • You must be a 2024 financial Member of NUSS to attend any trips.

  • All pricing is based on the AUD to JPY exchange rate on the 19th August 2024, and is subject to change with exchange rate fluctuations until paid in full.


Alumni/Non-members ONLY

All Alumni/Non-members are required to purchase a NUSPORT membership, $65 for Alumni/Deferred students and $90 for External. If you have not purchased this by the October 31st 2024 your position will be forfeit and you will be only receive a refund if a suitable replacement can be found (this is your responsibility), Once the replacement has paid the full fare due to date, you will receive a refund equal to the amount paid by you, minus the non-refundable $600 deposit.


The Newcastle University Snow Sports club reserves the right to amend these terms & conditions at anytime. In the event of an amendment to these terms & conditions the club will notify ticket holders of the change via their preferred contact method.

If you have further questions, you can email us at nusnowsport@gmail.com or DM us via social media